Summer is here in full force, and that means it's time for an update from us here in Poland. I would have liked to have sent an update earlier, but the days go by so fast that time almost feels like it's flying away.
Seeing lives transformed in meeting with Jesus is amazing, and we are incredibly grateful for the support and prayer from those of you who stand with us. You play an equally big role in what is happening here, and without the support from our friends and acquaintances, we could not carry out the work we do — both here in Poland and other places.
We experience God's presence both in the work with the Polish congregation and among international students. Recently we organized our annual summer picnic, an event that has become an annual tradition. On this day, we gather both international students and members of the Polish congregation. Each year it is a wonderful experience that strengthens the bonds between these groups. This year, 140 people came.
As in previous years, the event included baptisms, and this year we had the pleasure of baptizing 19 people. The most touching moment came when a man who had been standing on the sidelines and observing, suddenly stepped forward. He wanted to accept Jesus and was baptized on the spot."
In total, 19 people were baptized, including one who initially stood on the sidelines and observed. Towards the end of the ceremony, he came forward, sought salvation, and was immediately baptized. Last summer we baptized 22 people during our summer picnic, and we also had a baptism in winter, where 7 people were baptized. Thus, we have baptized a total of 48 people this year. The picture to the right is from last year.
I apologize for this news update coming a bit late, but so much has happened recently that there has been almost a constant whirl of activity. Between a small "mission tour" in Norway, meetings in Denmark, a trip to Ukraine, and of course, the ongoing work here in Poland, one can say that I have had more than enough to look after.
We have not been very active in the work to recruit new partners, something we certainly should have done more with. But in March, Arvid Aasen (who is a missionary in France) and I, went on a 15-day mission tour in Norway. These days were very rewarding; we met many new people and got the opportunity to shed new light on Europe as a mission field.

Right after I returned from the mission tour, we were visited by a team from IMPACT School of Revival, who did an amazing job while they were here. They helped in ICFL and established a good relationship with the students, carried out street evangelism in Lublin (where some of the international students also participated), and packed emergency aid for Ukraine.
The team from IMPACT School of Revival helped out in the international church, went out on the streets to evangelize, and assisted in packing emergency aid for Ukraine.
We are experiencing a new openness around us, something I believe is a result of prayer. In the congregation, we pray together every morning at 8:30. When the students evangelized in the streets, many showed openness to hear the gospel, and some of them also chose to accept Jesus.
When we drove the IMPACT team to the airport, we simultaneously picked up Peter Tkaczyk. He arrived on the same flight the students were taking back to Norway. Fredrik Skoglund, the mission leader in Jesus Community, Peter Tkaczyk, and I had planned a Nations Calling trip to Ukraine just a few days later.
We spent some rewarding days in Ukraine together with Halvard Hasseløy, who has been doing mission work there for many years. We visited a converted old school that now serves as a refugee reception center, where we distributed food, prayed, and spoke with the residents. The following day we held a campaign meeting in the city of Uzhhorod, and the day after we drove to Lviv for a meeting in New Generation Church.
In the picture above, we are distributing food to refugees in Uzhhorod after Halvard Hasseløy had spoken at a campaign meeting where several came forward to accept Jesus.
Vi besøkte bare de vestlige delene av Ukraina, hvor det ikke var noen uroligheter. Etter turen, da Fredrik og jeg kjørte tilbake til Lublin, reiste Peter Tkaczyk lenger østover for å hjelpe i omkring en måned.
Vi er utrolig takknemlige for dere som står sammen med oss i dette arbeidet, og det er oppmuntrende å motta tilbakemeldinger fra dere. I Guds rike har vi alle forskjellige oppgaver og kall, men vi er alle deler av samme kropp. Når hver enkelt av oss utfører det Gud har kalt oss til, og når vi står sammen for å styrke og oppmuntre hverandre, da fungerer kroppen slik den skal.
Tusen takk for at du står sammen med oss i dette arbeidet. Vi ber daglig om at Gud må velsigne deg rikelig og gi tilbake i overflod.
Vennlig Hilsen
— Kasia & Ronald Gabrielsen :-)