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Mission to South Sudan

Writer's picture: Ronald GabrielsenRonald Gabrielsen

We've just got back after another incredible trip to Juba, South Sudan with a small team consisting of Ronald Gabrielsen (Norway/Poland), Einar Mikkelsen (Denmark), Eimund and Cassie Skjæret (Norway/USA). We started the trip travelling from three different countries, met in Paris, then travelled together to Nairobi.

After the seminars, we had open air campaign meetings from Thursday to Saturday where we shared the Good news that the kingdom of heaven is near, healed the sick and invited people to become followers of Jesus. While we were on the campaign ground, it was so beautiful to see the people from the seminars walking around, talking and praying with those who passed by.

At our hotel we had met the founder of an American missions organisation called Favour Africa, and she invited us to their base on Thursday to share about our campaign on their Christian radio station. We were so impressed by how their organisation reached every sphere of society in South Sudan, and felt really blessed. It is so good to see more connection and unity in the body of Christ!

Later on Thursday night, Ronald and Eimund preached at the campaign, and about 40 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus. Because it was getting dark, we didn't have time to share testimonies that evening.

On Friday during the seminars we asked if they had any testimonies, and the guys who testified told stories of people getting free from demons, others repenting from their sins after getting healed and it was awesome to hear that also children had gotten healed.

One guy had also been talking with a Muslim and was allowed to pray for him. As he prayed he broke the spirit of Islam and after this the man gave his life to Jesus.

During the campaign on Friday night there was a man that came up to Cassie, and in broken English communicated that there had been a problem with his hearing but after the previous night’s prayer it had suddenly gotten better.

Because we were so many people praying for everyone, we don’t have every healing recorded – but that is a good problem to have. There should be so many things happening that it’s hard to keep track of testimonies.

On Saturday, Cassie came into contact with a leader of a women´s movement that we had met last time, and attended a women´s prayer gathering during the day. Women have a unique possibility of sharing the Gospel among Muslims, because they are in general, due to the culture, not looked upon as so “dangerous”.

At the end of the evening on Saturday, we gave away some t-shirts to a few of the orphans that lived on the street, and even the one kid that never smiled, smiled for the first time we´d seen. It was beautiful to see the effect one small act of kindness can have.

On Sunday we all shared in different churches, and many things happened in each church. At the service where Eimund and Cassie shared, there were many baptised in the Holy Spirit, and a lady that was set free.

Afterwards, we had a Sunday dinner on the Nile, and of course some restaurant guests were prayed for, including a diplomat from Ethiopia that Einar prayed for. He also played Amazing Grace on the trumpet for the whole restaurant to hear. :)

On Monday, before going to the airport, we visited an island located in the middle of the Nile. There we visited a school and were able to share some short words with the students. Ejnar played the trumpet and the children seemed to enjoy that very much. On our way back to the mainland again an old lady got partially healed and we got to witness for some youth hanging out under one of the trees there.

After this we headed for the airport, wet on our feet from crossing the Nile in canoes that were leaking, but feeling thankful for everything God had done the days we had been there. What a privilege it is to serve God almighty and see people encountering the Prince of Peace.



Ronald Gabrielsen

Szafirowa 2

20-573 Lublin


© 2023 by Ronald Gabrielsen


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