It's incredible how quickly time passes. We're already in the middle of October, and before we know it, winter will be here in full force. But this is part of life – seasons come and go, but God remains the same, and we can trust in His faithfulness.
Here in Poland, the work is progressing, and the past few weeks have been busy with a lot happening. Not only have the students returned, but we've also had a couple of exciting visits that have strengthened the churches. At the end of September, we had a visit from Neil Sundblad from the USA, and several people experienced a touch of God through his ministry. In the beginning of October, we had a visit from Michał Siczek from Warsaw. I know Michał well from the time when I traveled with Euromission, and it was very enjoyable to have him visit. The week before he was here in Lublin, I spoke at his church in Warsaw.
In the picture on the left, Neil is praying for the students, and in the picture on the right, I am with Michał Siczek after speaking at his church in Warsaw.
For the past few months, I have felt that God has been reminding me to try to bring more unity and collaboration among the international churches here in Lublin. In recent years, several new churches have emerged, mainly due to the large number of students from Africa. It is also likely that more new churches will arise in the future.

So in the beginning of September, I sent an invitation to some of the leaders of the international churches here in the city, and several of them responded positively. A few of them couldn't attend the first meeting, but we had a wonderful time with those who came. It was also encouraging to note that there was a strong agreement to stand together in the future and work for the advancement of God's kingdom here in the city. We also agreed to meet regularly for prayer, so it will be exciting to see what God will do.
In the second week of October, we had a visit from a team from the Norwegian branch of Open Air Campaigners. They had a couple of days of evangelism and also participated in both the Polish church and ICFL. Prior to their visit, we had printed several tracts that were distributed during street meetings. Additionally, we had also printed T-shirts for those in the church who actively help. This also makes it clear for newcomers to the church who they can talk to if they have questions. So, with the printing of both tracts and T-shirts, there have been some additional expenses, but we believe it will bear fruit.

"One of the things I noticed was that the team commented that they felt people in Lublin were more open than in other places they had been. The reason I noticed this was that in our morning prayer meetings recently, we had specifically prayed for this — that God would open people's hearts to the gospel. I hadn't mentioned this to the team, so it was an extra encouragement to hear them comment on this. The team also had the opportunity to pray with a couple of people for salvation, and that's the greatest miracle of all.
In November, we are organizing a major conference in collaboration with Apostolic Alliance Polska, a group of various ministries that have met a few times in the past year. I have attended most of the meetings, and it has been encouraging to connect with new and diverse ministries here in Poland. The conference in November will focus on revival and awakening in Poland.
Here in Lublin, it is mainly the Polish church that is behind the event, but since it's an international event with international speakers, ICFL will also be involved. We believe that God is doing great things in Europe, and it's time for His people to wake up. This is also the reason for the name of the conference, "Awakening Poland."
Paul says in the Book of Romans that we are all "... one body in Christ, and each one of us is a member of one another..." (Romans 12:5). Not everyone has the same function and ministry, but we are all called to serve one another with what God has given us. When each one does what God has called them to do, the body of Christ here on Earth can rise in strength and unity. We know that not everyone is called to move to another country as missionaries, but how wonderful it is when those who are called to go out can do so with the support of those called to serve in other ways. Then we experience every member of the body working together toward the same goal — making disciples of all nations.
Thank you for standing with us, and we pray that God will richly reward you!