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Writer's pictureRonald Gabrielsen

1.000 people gather at street meeting

"Now autumn has arrived in full force here in Lublin, but before the summer heat disappeared, we had a fantastic street meeting in the center of Lublin, where about 1000 people heard the Gospel.

We truly experienced that God was with us in the preparation of the event, and we initially thought it wouldn't be possible because there was going to be a big multimedia show that same evening. But God favored us, and not only were we allowed to hold the event - the time and place we were assigned was just before a big multimedia show that the city of Lublin was hosting. So people began to flock to the area as soon as we started our event. While many had come to see the multimedia show, they also got to hear the Gospel preached through song, music, and preaching."

Kasia translated Amy Kemp as she was preaching, and the worship team did a great job gathering people to hear the Gospel.

The same weekend we had this event, which we called Grace Night, we had invited Amy Kemp to Lublin - so that was an extra bonus. She is an evangelist from the USA, who was currently in Denmark. Therefore, it was great that she also made her way to Lublin. After the worship band had played, she preached the Gospel - and I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that there were a thousand people present.

Amy Kemp was with us the whole weekend, so on Sunday she spoke in both the Polish church and afterward in the international church. In addition, she also had a Bible study on Tuesday - so it was a few packed days.


We can tell that we are at the beginning of a new season - not just when it comes to the time of year, but also because schools start up now in October. During the summer, many students traveled to other places in Poland/Europe to work, so they could earn a little extra money for next semester. Now they are slowly starting to come back, and I think new ones will also show up in the church in the coming weeks.

Some have already contacted us through the website before coming to Poland, so we can see that the website is an important tool. In addition, we have also tried some paid advertising on Facebook, so it will be exciting to see if it will result in new people coming.


Several students have expressed a desire to help in worship, and some have also wanted to learn to play different instruments. Therefore, I have spent some time recently training new worship leaders and musicians. This takes some time, but it's fun to see that a community of new worship leaders and musicians is starting to form.

I can also tell that I need more help when it comes to worship and music. It's good that new people are being trained, but my prayer is that new forces who can already play and/or sing will also come. Also, when it comes to daily work, I can tell that it could be good to have a little extra help, so please pray that God will send the right people.


Just as Paul felt gratitude towards the Christians in Philippi because they had supported his ministry, we feel an incredible gratitude towards all of you who stand together with us. Paul also tells the Christians in Philippi that the fruit of the gift they had sent would be "... credited to your account ..." (Phil. 4:17) and that "... God, who is so rich in glory in Christ Jesus, will supply all your needs ..." (Phil. 4:19).

The fact that God rewards us generously when we give to His work is not just nice words, it is a biblical truth. Therefore, we fully believe that God will reward all of you who stand together with us generously. As a family, we have devotions every night, and we often pray for all of you who stand together with us.

So thank you all very much, and our prayer is that God will:

"... give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe ..." (Ephesians 1:17-19)


— Kasia & Ronald Gabrielsen

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